Keywords - The First Step In SEO | To promote your blog or online store, the first thing you should learn is Keyword, Keyword is the first step that must be someone in the building store or blog, Including you and me :)
Example: If someone is looking for something and find a website that answers their questions, the site was very nice to have the opportunity to sell to someone. Ranking process such sites known to many as search engine optimization or SEO.
When thinking about SEO first thing you need to think about is the keyword. According to Wikipedia, A keyword is a word or concept with privilege, which means that any word that is used as a key and a code or used to connect to other words or other information or something else Keywords are terms that people typed into a search engine when looking for something :)

This can be anything from seeking the services to make the thesis to complete their thesis. Which
can be taken further because they might want to seek the services of
inexpensive paper to make the most reliable in certain geographic areas.
longer the keywords they typed into the search box, the more specific
to their needs and the more likely they need something in the short
term. This is known as the long tail terms. they are easier to determine his choice rating from 1 to 10.
They may not get thousands of searches per month, but they can generate more sales. More
than one million people who want to complete the thesis or want vendors
each year may not generate as much profit as 1000 people looking for
affordable theses services in Indonesia every month. The second example is more direct and focused.
So, the first thing to do is get into the head of your potential customers. Think about what they would do when looking for a product or service. Come up with a list of 10 keywords that you are targeting. Adding geographical location at the end, for instance is a powerful idea. Or add terms such as: cheap, best, cheapest, cheap and other similar phrases are also powerful ideas. If you can rank on the kind of long tail keywords you will see amazing results from a marketing efforts.
SEO is a powerful way to market your business today. It is cost effective and targeted. It is not like TV where you just cast a wide net and hoping to get some people. It is laser focused because people find you through their search terms. Reversing the roles because someone is looking for your services than you are looking for customers. And, by being able to put on words related to the search catch them at the time when they are ready to buy. This can significantly reduce the purchasing cycle also makes a much stronger SEO.
Similarly simple tips from me on Keywords - The First Step In SEO. May be useful to you all. More or less I apologize and thank you for your attention.
How to Improve Website SEO Online Store | Certainly it is different from SEO optimization on personal blogs. As we know bersma that SEO optimization on the web is a technique that is performed in order to appear in the top pages of web search engines, in this case Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.
The objective is none other seo in order to increase the number of visitors to our website. Because up until now, the highest number of visitors coming from search engines. The rest comes from social media, referral, and direct. And it should be noted that visitors coming from search engines are people who really need the information / products on our website. Interesting is not it?

be a distinct advantage if the online store website can always appear
on Google search pages with keywords in selling products in the online
store. So that assumption would be very high sales turnover her every day. There are some simple tips that we can do to do SEO optimization Website Online Store. Here is the description.How to Improve Website SEO Online Store
1. Conduct research on google adwords keywordThe first step we can do before make the web shop is doing keyword research first. We can use the tools of Google Adwords. There we can choose which keywords a little amount of competition, but look for a lot of people. Of course, the keyword corresponding to the products that we will sell later. Suppose you want to selling drugs to a man, you can choose keywords tonic Sex, Drugs Durable, Drugs Penis, etc. Later you can develop these keywords can be wider.
2. Make use of online store website hosting and domain itselfTo gain the trust of potential customers, the main thing to do is create a website using their own hosting and domain. We can use wordpress engine, or engines pretashop to our online store. In
that way then, our website look professional and really managed
seriously, because to make the web shop we've issued capital. One web sufficiently reliable online store that sells a variety of products grown man is website. The site is managed seriously by its owner, is evident from the use of hosting and domain itself. And in serving customers with a vengeance. Products sold already registered officially in BPOM RI, and the price
of the product is also standard, aka the same as the price of products
sold by other online stores, the contact person is also easily reached,
3. Create a post regularly about the products in the web shopOnce the web shop is finished, the next step is for the post / article on the web. Make a post about the products we sell later. If
we sell products grown man, then we need to make the article in
accordance with the web topics, such as Early Ejakuliasi Drugs, Drug
Durable, Drugs Penis, etc. The
more articles that have been published on the web, then the number of
keyword variations can be more and more, so that our website can be
found by google with various keywords. Try as the beginning make the web, we make a rather lengthy article titles consisting of 7-8 words.
3. Create a post regularly about the products in the web shopOnce the web shop is finished, the next step is for the post / article on the web. Make a post about the products we sell later. If
we sell products grown man, then we need to make the article in
accordance with the web topics, such as Early Ejakuliasi Drugs, Drug
Durable, Drugs Penis, etc. The
more articles that have been published on the web, then the number of
keyword variations can be more and more, so that our website can be
found by google with various keywords. Try as the beginning make the web, we make a rather lengthy article titles consisting of 7-8 words.
4. Find a way backlinks natural or unnaturalGood backlink backlink is a combination of natural and unnatural. Natural backlinks are backlinks are made by others on the blog without our knowledge. While
not a natural backlinks are backlinks are made by our own, which can be
a way to make a blog dummy from various free blog platforms, commenting
on dofollow blogs, link exchange, free classified ads, etc. Try to find backlinks with anchor text that is different. So it is safe from pinalty google. And one more thing that is expected to find backlinks done regularly,
so it is not considered spam by google which led exposed pinalty from
5. Promotion of web shopThe objective is to improve the promotion of personal branding our online store. So the name and web url online store can known by Indonesian society. There are many websites that provide online promotions / ads. Can google adwords, facebook ads, kliksaya, news sites, or personal blogs. Mugkin promotional costs far greater than the capital to make the web or capital to purchase the product. For that, please promote our website in accordance with the funds available.
That bit of information that could be the admin share to you all about How to Improve Website SEO Online Store. Hope can be useful for you all to be or may be his business online store.
Blog Traffic Sources Derived from PTC Sites, Danger? | Hi all, we meet again with blog admin. Hope you all are not bored-bored to stop and read and read the article in this simple blog. And may we all continue to be facilitated in any case, not least the blogging activity.
Indonesian blogger friend happy. Have we heard PTC sites? PTC site is to make money online program that has a different way. PTC, the acronym of Paid To Click, can be interpreted as Paid for Clicking Ads. So, if we want to earn money from PTC sites, we must first list in one PTC site, and then click on the ads every day that has been prepared by the PTC.

Each click on the ads will be paid according to the terms. Might be $ 0002 or more. Well, if the money is collected into lots, new revenue we can take.
Although seem trivial, but in practice quite difficult. own blog admin followup first ever join. About 1 month intensive click advertising in 15 PTC sites, but no one
has ever reached payout / paid: D Finally admin unplug deh: mrgreen:
We return to the topic. Blog Traffic Sources Derived from PTC sites, Bahayakah? That's the topic of the article we discussed this time. Recently blog admin shocked by the presence of sources of traffic
originating from the 2 PTC sites, ie sites and There are about 400 more visitors coming from PTC sites.
Turns oh turns. After
admin try to check the PTC sites, there were people who advertise on
the PTC website blog hehe: D Admin wondered why there is
so people are kind and voluntary advertising blog ririn way in PTC sites
hehehe : mrgreen:
Here is a display ad blogs posted on the PTC website
As we all know that his visitors can come from anywhere. Which can come from search engines, social, referral, and also direct. However, until now, most visitors come from search engines, which in this case Google.
Now, if the visitor comes from PTC sites, it can be categorized as
visitors who come from another site, or which in this case is called a
According to Google, this PTC site is classified as a spam site. Because of its traffic unnatural sources. In that sense, the visitors came as requested click on ads and visit PTC sites and then lured by the incentive / payment.
a blog / website that put adsense ads, certainly very dangerous if the
source of the traffic comes from PTC sites, and not from organically
derived from the search engines. That's because it could potentially be banned by adsense. But for ordinary blog like this blog (no ads adsense) do not know exactly whether malicious or not. Clearly, these last few days blog traffic is still stable way ririn / her normal as usual.
For dear blogger friends. Maybe you have an opinion about Blog Traffic Sources Derived from PTC sites, Bahayakah ?. If you have, share your opinion suit your thoughts in the
First Step Brings Visitors in Blog | Creating a blog is very easy, but the difficulty is to bring visitors in the blog and manage the blog to be a large and well-known in Indonesia. Moreover bring visitors up to thousands per day on a blog created.
It is inevitable that until this moment the most visitors coming from the site search engine which in this case is Google. In order for the blog to appear in the first page and the number one google is not easy for keywords that are searched by many people. Because we need to understand SEO techniques, both onpage or offpage.

If you do not understand SEO techniques and still want to bring
visitors to your blog, as a first step it is worth trying the ways
below.First Step Brings Visitors in Blog
1. Submit articles to google webmasterGoogle webmaster tools are not only used to register your blog url, but can be used to submit your article url. Each makes the article do not forget to submit it in google webmaster. How to submit url google webmaster articles that visit paste your url
in the url box and fill in the captcha code and click submit url.
2. Share articles to social mediaIn addition to search engines, social media can also be used to bring visitors to your blog. 3 best social media to share the article is google plus, twitter and facebook. Each makes the article, try to share / share to article 3 of the social media. To share the article on facebook you can share it directly on your facebook or on your personal blog fanspage.
3. Submit articles to fanspageSubmit url fanspage article useful in attracting visitors to your blog. Fanspage
is meant here is not your own personal fanspage, but fanspage property
of others who are willing to accept article submissions. Look fanspage facebook accordance with the topic of your article and paste the url of your article and submit. Do not forget to look for fanspage with thousands of members as a place to send the article. For example, you write an article about surf for free, then seek fanspage surf for free and submit your article.

Causes Articles Blog Postings Missing from Google SERP | Search
Engine Result Page (SERP) Google is the page of Google search results
based on the query or keyword entered by Internet users. The search results can include photos / pictures, summaries of posts / articles blog / web, youtube videos, and much more. See also How To Blog Website Appear in Google.
Are you managing your blog / website? If
yes, then it becomes a matter of pride when the title / name of the
blog or the title of the article you can occupy the first page in Google
SERP. Because then, likely will bring visitors from the organic Google search engine, and can ultimately increase blog traffic.
Cause Articles Blog Postings Missing from SERP GoogleLebih especially if the blog / web in monetization. Of course you are expecting your blog / website you can always appear in the Google SERP. Can be a form of monetization you participate in the Program Pay Per
Click (PPC), or perhaps an affiliate program, or perhaps you follow the
SEO contest.
The idea of this paper is that there can Companions Bloggers who asked me some time ago. He happened to follow the SEO contest with certain keywords that have been defined by the contest organizers. At first blog post, he could appear on pages 1 to 3 in Google SERP. But then every few weeks, suddenly lost her blog post. This is the big question. Why can disappear?
I myself do not know exactly what causes it. However, I will try to give answers to these questions based on my personal experience. Hopefully it can give enlightenment to the Blogger Friends in particular, and for us all in general.
After some time ago I share about How to Increase the Number of Pageview Blog Internal Link. In this occasion I will explain about the Lost Cause Articles Blog Posts from Google SERP.