Blog Traffic Sources Derived from PTC Sites, Danger? | Hi all, we meet again with blog admin. Hope you all are not bored-bored to stop and read and read the article in this simple blog. And may we all continue to be facilitated in any case, not least the blogging activity.
Indonesian blogger friend happy. Have we heard PTC sites? PTC site is to make money online program that has a different way. PTC, the acronym of Paid To Click, can be interpreted as Paid for Clicking Ads. So, if we want to earn money from PTC sites, we must first list in one PTC site, and then click on the ads every day that has been prepared by the PTC.
Each click on the ads will be paid according to the terms. Might be $ 0002 or more. Well, if the money is collected into lots, new revenue we can take.
Although seem trivial, but in practice quite difficult. own blog admin followup first ever join. About 1 month intensive click advertising in 15 PTC sites, but no one
has ever reached payout / paid: D Finally admin unplug deh: mrgreen:
We return to the topic. Blog Traffic Sources Derived from PTC sites, Bahayakah? That's the topic of the article we discussed this time. Recently blog admin shocked by the presence of sources of traffic
originating from the 2 PTC sites, ie sites and There are about 400 more visitors coming from PTC sites.
Turns oh turns. After
admin try to check the PTC sites, there were people who advertise on
the PTC website blog hehe: D Admin wondered why there is
so people are kind and voluntary advertising blog ririn way in PTC sites
hehehe : mrgreen:
Here is a display ad blogs posted on the PTC website
As we all know that his visitors can come from anywhere. Which can come from search engines, social, referral, and also direct. However, until now, most visitors come from search engines, which in this case Google.
Now, if the visitor comes from PTC sites, it can be categorized as
visitors who come from another site, or which in this case is called a
According to Google, this PTC site is classified as a spam site. Because of its traffic unnatural sources. In that sense, the visitors came as requested click on ads and visit PTC sites and then lured by the incentive / payment.
a blog / website that put adsense ads, certainly very dangerous if the
source of the traffic comes from PTC sites, and not from organically
derived from the search engines. That's because it could potentially be banned by adsense. But for ordinary blog like this blog (no ads adsense) do not know exactly whether malicious or not. Clearly, these last few days blog traffic is still stable way ririn / her normal as usual.
For dear blogger friends. Maybe you have an opinion about Blog Traffic Sources Derived from PTC sites, Bahayakah ?. If you have, share your opinion suit your thoughts in the
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