
Tuesday 17 March 2015

First Step Brings Visitors in Blog

First Step Brings Visitors in Blog | Creating a blog is very easy, but the difficulty is to bring visitors in the blog and manage the blog to be a large and well-known in Indonesia. Moreover bring visitors up to thousands per day on a blog created.

It is inevitable that until this moment the most visitors coming from the site search engine which in this case is Google. In order for the blog to appear in the first page and the number one google is not easy for keywords that are searched by many people. Because we need to understand SEO techniques, both onpage or offpage.

First Step Brings Visitors in Blog

If you do not understand SEO techniques and still want to bring visitors to your blog, as a first step it is worth trying the ways below.First Step Brings Visitors in Blog
1. Submit articles to google webmasterGoogle webmaster tools are not only used to register your blog url, but can be used to submit your article url. Each makes the article do not forget to submit it in google webmaster. How to submit url google webmaster articles that visit paste your url in the url box and fill in the captcha code and click submit url.
2. Share articles to social mediaIn addition to search engines, social media can also be used to bring visitors to your blog. 3 best social media to share the article is google plus, twitter and facebook. Each makes the article, try to share / share to article 3 of the social media. To share the article on facebook you can share it directly on your facebook or on your personal blog fanspage.
3. Submit articles to fanspageSubmit url fanspage article useful in attracting visitors to your blog. Fanspage is meant here is not your own personal fanspage, but fanspage property of others who are willing to accept article submissions. Look fanspage facebook accordance with the topic of your article and paste the url of your article and submit. Do not forget to look for fanspage with thousands of members as a place to send the article. For example, you write an article about surf for free, then seek fanspage surf for free and submit your article.


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